Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Potato Salad

my first time attempting to make potato salad.. xD
oh, bear always do for party like Eileen's surprise birthday party, Culture and Communication class, last time when in KTAR those I shall try to make since is nice to eat..hahaha

errr..i'm not sure i make edy nice or not, shall ask my youngest sis to judge

1. Potatoes (without these, it won't be call potato
2. Ham (chicken/pork) / Bacon
3. Mayonnaise
4. Spring Onion...

Cut the potatoes and ham/bacon into cube size...then mix all of it and just

that's all...

err..yea need to boil the potatoes and put some salt..hahaha xD

potatoes before peeling the skin, after boiling it...

cut into cubes

pork ham cut into cubes

after all the mixing....and here is the final result.......

Potato Salad

yea..a small portion only..what do you expect..only like 3 person eating?? xD

Shall attempt to do it and bring to Fel's house this Friday...of course the ingredients will change to halal.. ^_^

1 comment:

Felicia said...

yay Jzune!! Can cook d muahahhaaha!