Tuesday, May 18, 2010


is she naive/innocent or just plain stupid????

not many people will know who is the real her.

she is a person who seldom reject any request by anyone and will not stand up for herself nor give herself much credits....

when she is in trouble or not in the mood or something bothers her, she will just let it out in her own way - blog?status? whatever. Whenever friends asked her, she will put a smile on her face (if she is able to) and say is okay, don't worry about her, she is fine.

her true feelings not many people will know except maybe 1 or 2 good friends and family. or sometimes no one knows at all..

friends or whoever sometimes willing to share their feelings to her, she is always there to listen to them. but when friends ask her to share her feelings, it takes quite sometimes for her to share and sometimes she will not share at all...

i'm not sure why is she like this.. is she feeling insecure?? or what??

and funny thing of her, if she is pissed off at a person, she won't show it to the person and the person will never know as well. She will still treat the person like how she treat the rest..

lotsa things to say about this girl.

I shall continue the next day.. wanna sleep =P

some may know whom am i talking about, some may not know.

for those who know, keep it to yourself and thank you. =)

for those who doesn't, don't bother asking. because i will not tell..