These are the feelings I'm facing everyday.
AND it is not only base on one matter, but A LOT.. wtf.. -_-
I seriously do not know where to start!
Ever since that day, I have the fear of answering unknown numbers, reading emails, meeting people, hanging out... ARGH! My heart n mind seriously cannot take it anymore.... T_T I've been telling myself everyday that everything will be just fine, but guess what, is just a LIE... *stabs heart* I do not know what to say and face anymore for these...T_T Not only me, but others too...I can't stand seeing them being into these as well..I seriously can't think anymore... I don't know to still care about that person, or just forget about this (which I know it will never happen)......I just want everyone of us to move on after all these T_______T
I don't even know how to seek for advice from parents T____________T *stab self again*
Trust....this word I don't think it can appear in my dictionary for a moment..Not that I don't trust just that I don't know how to trust some things...having so many different things going on, I don't know what to trust moreover I think I don't know do I trust myself.....T_T
This matter is not over, another thing came up...and I fcuking hate last minutes confirmation and notices....SERIOUSLY! I can't even imagine what will happen tomorrow, 15th May 2008 and even 20th May 2008 (which is the actual day), I SERIOUSLY cannot even imagine THAT!!! Been searching for people to help out for this, and still fail, cause most of them are on vacations or went back to hometown (which I understand A LOT) and some things also can't move yet, cause some things aren't confirm YET! How to move on?! Will be having meeting tomorrow, which I HOPE can get everything done and I can settle 70% of it for tomorrow, and 15th May 2008, will just face the yelling if I have yet to get people. T_T *wish me luck*
I shall attempt to do some things and go to bed and face tomorrow with trauma again~ -_-
~praying real hard that everything will just over~ T^T
Jzune! ganbatte! i'll try to help out la..but also quite hard to find people since we don't know many juniors. some more now that i know the rehearsal is WHOLE DAY lagi hard la wanna find people willing to waste all that time. *hugs* i'll see you this 15th, gurl..
thanks vic! <33
is okay i just have to find oath taker...
i hope noone ffk me again...
see you on 15th! miss u T^T
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