Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Similarities xD

ok..I know this post may create unhappiness at some fans...but no worries, I won't bash here..hahaha..

After Kak Bailah, mentioned that Stomp the Yard and M Explore have similiarity xD, I went and watch Stomp The Yard..haha, of course not cinema la =.=, I have the vcd ^^, this movie is like last year? or was it earlier? don't know... and yes, it does has similarities.. hehehe

But for me..both have their own styles only the costume and the sign - M same ^^;;
Minwoo is HOT ok..HOT & SEXY! but not my type..hahaha... =P
Stomp the Yard...awesome - the dance i mean ^^

Wanna see??

The video is here:-
*Check out the costume and the sign - M

Stomp The Yard - MU
MU is the group name.

Minwoo's M Intro & Stomp & The M Style Perf.

Just a final ending..haha..the Final Battle for Stomp The Yard's video
pay more attention starting 4minutes..I love this part the best!! *salutes*

Finally~~~ enjoy ^^

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